
Showing posts from May, 2013

The Family Way

We meet in a sun dappled garden with an olive tree above our table. Laura comes in with her long hair shining, looking like she just stepped out of a shampoo commercial - which is apt as she has been involved in drama since she was a tiny child.  She has tread the boards and served her time in her own family’s drama & theatre workshops, dressed up in outrageous costumes, painted sets, and generally cut her teeth in all things artistic.   She didn’t lick it off a stone as we “Yella Bellies” like to remark.  Her parents are Michael Way and Irene Wright and they are as well known in drama and theatre circles as a begging ass. Michael is at present hard at work directing “The Tempest” for a Wells House Production, and Irene is finally ready for her close-up as she graces a number of films at present.  More of which anon. Laura studied Art in W.I.T. and was then a broadcaster with South East Radio for a number of years. She has been a professional film actres...

Cabbages & Oranges

The appointment was made before I wrenched the lower discs in my lumbar spine which are fused, and prone to aching after sudden knock or twists. It made the journey hellish to say the least. The clinic I am going to comes highly recommended and I am most anxious to be treated . After a number of preliminary stops we head off en masse in the car to Kildare, my sister, my nephew and I. He has taken up a position on the back seat with his gangly teenage legs and feet stretched out - the better to sleep.  Limping along behind them , I realize with a start that he is now taller than his Mother. Everyone is taller than me. Pauric Gibbons is not your average kind of Homeopath or TCM practitioner. He is not sitting behind a desk with an array of charts and  books. There is not a reception area or a girl with a phone checking your name off against a heavily underlined book.  We walk across the tree dappled drive, ring the bell and walk in.  Th...