Nonchalance & Insouciance
She would have lived her life in Nonchalance, and Insouciance, apart from making her living, which was a Nuisciance - Ogden Nash. Edna O'Brien, Enchanting at Eighty Three The Town Hall in Dalkey is chock-a-block. There is a palpable air of expectation in the warm room and I skid to a halt having sprinted from a moving car. The Dalkey Book Festival is in full swing and round every corner strolls someone that could be someone – if you get my drift. The seating is of the kind where you establish elbow room similar to flying. The lights go out, the coughing stops, and Sean Rocks comes out to applause. He is here to introduce and attempt to interview an Irish Woman, an Irish Writer, and an Irish Legend. Edna O’Brien takes to the stage. My first thought is that she has aged. This is only mildly surprising as at 83 she looks unbelievably fantastic. There is the smallest twinge of vulnerability about her as she sits slowl...